GraphQL Example App 'Bloggie'


In the past I've given several talks on GraphQL (JavaLand 2017, JUG Saxony, JUG Berlin, BEDCon 2017, OOP 2018), a query language for web API's. In those talks I've used the example of a blog application with the name "Bloggie". Today I have made the github repository of this example public so that everyone interested in this example app can see the source code.

You can find it here:

bloggie screenshot

The app shows articles and authors both in a overview page and a details page and a comment section will be added in the future. The idea of this repository is to not only contain a single example but instead to implement the same use-case with different technologies and implementation styles.

At the moment I have a backend implemented with node.js and a frontend written with React.js and Apollo Client but in the future I'm planning to add other variants too. For example, a student I'm mentoring has compared several ways to implement GraphQL servers. This includes node.js, pure Java and Java with Java-Persistence API. So it's likely that I will add a Java implementation too.

In the frontend I'm planning to add another implementation with Angular and maybe another react-variant using a different graphql client library.

What is important to notice here is: This app is not intended for real-world usage! It's neither optimized for a good usability as a blogging platform nor can I guarantee the absence of bugs or security issues. The only purpose of the repository is to show and learn technologies and patterns around GraphQL.

One of the reasons to "open-source" the example app is that I'm planing to write more blog posts on GraphQL, React, Redux and other web technologies in the future. Because even though I'm programming with JavaScript for 10 years now and I've also used react.js, redux and GraphQL for several applications I haven't been blogging about these topics in the past.